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 Tailoring and Enchanting

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3 posters

Female Number of posts : 123
Registration date : 2007-01-08

Tailoring and Enchanting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tailoring and Enchanting   Tailoring and Enchanting Icon_minitimeFri 12 Jan 2007, 12:25

I wont to buy a big bag!
How big bags can you make?
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Female Number of posts : 30
Age : 36
Localisation : N. Ireland
Registration date : 2007-01-14

Tailoring and Enchanting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tailoring and Enchanting   Tailoring and Enchanting Icon_minitimeSun 14 Jan 2007, 03:53

Ill buy an 16 slot bags berty! king
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Female Number of posts : 123
Registration date : 2007-01-08

Tailoring and Enchanting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tailoring and Enchanting   Tailoring and Enchanting Icon_minitimeSun 14 Jan 2007, 23:52

Hey Bert..so what's with the bags?
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Tailoring and Enchanting Empty
PostSubject: Bags   Tailoring and Enchanting Icon_minitimeMon 15 Jan 2007, 19:37

i can make 6,8,10,12,14 and almost make 16 i have just bought the pattern (very expensive) but requires 2xFelcloth which then needs the use of a moonwell( i dont know what this is!) to make a piece of mooncloth, 5 bolts of runecloth (25 pieces) and some rune thread! these sell for 50g a piece so i think either the felcloth or moonwell process it hard to come by or very expensive.. anyone with any any info get back to me:)
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Female Number of posts : 123
Registration date : 2007-01-08

Tailoring and Enchanting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tailoring and Enchanting   Tailoring and Enchanting Icon_minitimeMon 15 Jan 2007, 20:43

Here is what I know about it:
I think it is so expensive cose the Moonclth,
cose you can create one onley every 4 days..thats the cooldown:(

Purifying Mooncloth requires 250 skill in Tailoring and can be learned from a pattern which can be bought from Qia or Evie Whirlbrew (unlimited supply) in Everlook.
The pattern can also apire as a drop ,
for example : in Winterspring off a wildkin

The procedure requires two Felcloth, must be performed near a Moonwell and can only be performed once every four days.

You need a moonwell to and there is a moonwell in the middle of the park in Stormwind.

You get felcloth from the satyrs south of jaedenar in the ruins of constellas. On average you can get 1 every 30 minutes, so one hour to get 2 felcloth. Then every 4 days you can use any moonwell (there's one conveinently loacted in the Ruins of Constellas too) to make a mooncloth.


1. In Ashenvale
2. Outside of Dire Maul easy to sneak by guards
3. In Moonglade
4. In silithus, this is the easiest to get to for anyone 58+ u can set up your hearth there
5. In the Park distric inside SW (Alliance only)
6. In the Moon temple in Darnassus, the pool with the Elven Godess is a moonwell. (Alliance only)

Mooncloth is used in the following recipes

Living Breastplate
Argent Shoulders
Belt of the Archmage
Bloodvine Boots
Bloodvine Leggings
Bloodvine Vest
Bottomless Bag
Flarecore Leggings
Flarecore Robe
Flarecore Wraps
Gaea's Embrace
Gloves of Spell Mastery
Mantle of the Timbermaw
Mooncloth Bag
Mooncloth Boots
Mooncloth Circlet
Mooncloth Gloves
Mooncloth Leggings
Mooncloth Robe
Mooncloth Shoulders
Mooncloth Vest
Satchel of Cenarius
Sylvan Crown
Truefaith Vestments
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Female Number of posts : 30
Age : 36
Localisation : N. Ireland
Registration date : 2007-01-14

Tailoring and Enchanting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tailoring and Enchanting   Tailoring and Enchanting Icon_minitimeMon 15 Jan 2007, 20:50

Id buy a 14slot bag or 2 off ya Berty! Very Happy
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Male Number of posts : 94
Age : 32
Localisation : berkshire, england
Registration date : 2007-01-11

Tailoring and Enchanting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tailoring and Enchanting   Tailoring and Enchanting Icon_minitimeWed 17 Jan 2007, 23:26

i will buy the biggest, easiest bag to do, for my bank, as i bought a empty bag slot in my bank, and it still has no bag in it.
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PostSubject: Re: Tailoring and Enchanting   Tailoring and Enchanting Icon_minitime

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